Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day June 2010

After a 10-day vacation absence I returned to find my gardens and flower beds full of healthy growth.  Lovely....except that the most prolific growth in my absence was the weeds, which will take days and days to get back under control.  It seems as though that's a relatively easy task when I'm cruising the yard daily and can catch things before they get out of control, but now I'm going to have to get out some of my more heavy-duty tools.  Still, it's satisfying to see the more-or-less weed-free flower beds emerge following my labors - seems I can almost hear the plants sigh in relief and wiggle their toes (roots) around in the now more spacious earth surrounding them.  I love to see how effectively the more established perennials have kept weeds at bay on their own.  Hopefully the other beds will soon catch up to that goal.   Here are some of the things blooming happily in my gardens today. 


  1. I love coral bells, and recognize a "kindred gardening spirit" when I see them in bloom day posts!

    I think I have about 20 heucheras! Happy Bloom Day!

  2. Is that first picture a coreopsis? I love feverfew. I posted mine for GBBD too. They are loving this year's weather.

  3. I need more heucheras - have only recently added two to my flower beds and I LOVE them! Sylvana - yes, the first picture is a coreopsis; the one you refer to as feverfew is actually the common daisy (Bellis perennis), which I love above the cultivated varieties because it is so resilient and dainty.

  4. Love the lantanas - I don't have any of the orange ones but I need some - lol. What is is the yellow flower next to the yellow daylily? It is really pretty.

  5. The orange lantana is a hummingbird magnet! I love it! I'm afraid I can't tell you what the yellow flower next to the daylily photo is; it's one I got in a perennial exchange with a friend and it is spreading beautifully (about 2-1/2 feet tall, same in width after 2 years) but I don't know its name. I'll have to go on a hunt for ID unless someone recognizes it and lets me know. Sorry!

  6. Oh well, I don't really need another plant to add to my wish list:) Thanks anyway
